Are you a student trying to decide on a college major? Or are you a recent grad wanting to know what you can do with your new degree? It's best to start planning and thinking about one's first career in 10th or 11th grade before you spend 4 to 5 years and $150,000 on an education (that's wrong for you).
You'll likely spend over 1250 days as a university student, and another 10,000 in your career. Don't waste your time, talent, and satisfaction being stuck in a major and career you don't like.
Life’s too short. Take the:
1. Jackson Vocational Interest Survey (JVIS) is the "Career Roadmap" which will help you determine the best career fit and the right College/University major.
2. CareerPlanner Personality Test (CPPT) is the "Personality Blueprint" which will highlight your talents, skills, strengths, weaknesses, interests and how they coincide with your career roadmap.
3. Jump Start Coaching Hour (JSCH) is the "Life Coach" who will guide you in the planning and implementing of the "Career Roadmap". Just 1 hour of Coaching over the phone, will bring clarity and confidence to your College/University planning and career direction.
and get access to our University Exploration Guide and Career Exploration Guide for FREE! These essential resources will help you assess your talents, choose the major, university, and career that’s best for you.
Jump Start Coaching Hour (JSCH).
If you're looking to develop your career roadmap - decide on the right college major, discover/confirm your talents and career, or you're looking for a career change, but you're not sure where to begin, the 1-Hour Jump Start Phone Session is for you. This one-on-one phone session guides you to make a change that fits your true career direction.
Once you know your true education and/or career direction, you’ll understand the work you really love to do. You’ll be able to confirm that you're about to head down the right path. You’ll also get the right advice on dealing with your current education and career situation. Just 1 hour of coaching over the phone, will bring clarity and confidence to your education and/or career direction.
How to Prepare for the Coaching Session?
Just follow these 4 easy steps:
1) Before the session, take our CareerPlanning Personality Test. Our personality test tells you what your 4 letter personality type is. It becomes your "Personality Blueprint" which will highlight your talents, skills, strengths, weaknesses, interests and how they coincide with your "Career Roadmap". It's also useful in diagnosing interpersonal relationship problems.
2) Take our Jackson Vocation Interest Survey. We use this during the session. It becomes your "Career Roadmap" which will help you determine the best career fit (the type of work you're interested in and passionate about) and the right College/University major.
3) Send us your latest resume. This helps us understand what type of work you have done.
4) Send us an email with just a few sentences describing what the problem is or what subjects you want to cover in your session.
How Long are the Coaching Sessions?
The most popular coaching is our Jump Start Coaching Hour. We spend 15-20 minutes preparing before the call. We study results from your personality test, the advanced personality type career report, the results from the career interest test, your resume if you have sent it to us, and any emails you may have sent.
We don't watch the clock too closely. If the session needs to run a few minutes over, we let it, and there is no charge for the extra time.
We also offer 15 minute follow up sessions, but that's only after you have completed the first 1 hour session.
So, How Do I Get Started...
1) First place your order of choice.
2) When we see the order come through we will email Your Test Access Information within 24hrs.
3) Once the tests are completed we will email the reports.
4) For the 1 Hour Career Jump Start Session, we will email to set a time for your session.
5) At the time of the session we ask you to call us.
If you want to talk about whether Career Coaching is right for you, send us an email or call the phone number below. Please understand that we may not be able to answer when you call but we will return your call within 24 hours.
Call (647) 467-7123 or Email me
and make an appointment. I look forward to meeting you!
Jackson Vocation Interest Survey and Report Advanced Personality Career Test & Report 1 Hour Career Jump Start Session BONUS Resume Critique ($65 value) Two 15-Minute Follow-Up Phone Sessions ($100 value) Regular Price Special Price Payment Options |
Vocation Survey Personality Test |
Regular Jump Start Session |
Premium Jump Start Session Yes |