My counselling and life coaching services address the full range of personal and behavioural concerns by you or your family member, including:
ADHD, Anxiety, Anger, Bereavement, Emotional or Verbal Abuse, Depression, Emotional Eating, Emotional IQ (EQ), Emotional Wound, Hostility, Motivation, Narcissistic, OCD, Panic Attack, Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicidal.
Emotional Issues: ADHD, Anxiety, Anger, Bereavement, Emotional or Verbal Abuse, Depression, Emotional Eating, Emotional IQ (EQ), Emotional Wound, Hostility, Motivation, Narcissistic, OCD, Panic Attack, Self-Esteem, Self-Confidence, Social Anxiety, Stress, Suicidal.
Addiction Issues: Alcohol, Cannabis, Internet, Sexual, Workaholic, Teen Gaming
Trauma Issues: Emotional/Physical Abuse, Domestic Violence, Harassment, Motor Vehicle Accident (MVA), Post-Traumatic, Sexual Abuse, Victim of Violence*
Spiritual Issues: Faith, Hope, Forgiveness, Purpose, Relationship, Self-Control, Spiritually Dull
Veteran Issues: Canadian definition, benefits, shell shock, PTSD, mesothelioma, military sexual misconduct
Indigenous Support Health Counselling Provider with Non-Insured Health Benefits (NIHB) Program and the Indian Residential Schools Resolution Health Support Program (IRS RHSP).
*Any victim of crimes of violence (anyone suffering with a psychiatric or psychological injury induced by the mental or nervous shock resulting from a violent occurrence) who has received an interim award through the Criminal Injury Compensation Board is eligible for counselling. To see if you are eligible, go to Criminal Injury Compensation Board
Helpful Tools for Your Well-Being Needs
ADD/ADHD - Adult
7 ADD Myths Debunked
Guide to Adult ADHD - Women
25 Things I Love About ADD
6 Ways to Stay Focused
Stop Procrastinating! ADHD Time Management Strategies
Totally ADD - Everything You Need to Know About Adult ADD
Anger Management
5 Steps to Stay Good with Anger
Defusing Your Partner
Helping Your Partner Defuse You
Tools to be Kind to Others: Worksheet
Why Do You Get Upset: Worksheet
Anti-Depressant Skills at Work: Dealing with Mood Problems in the Workplace
Quick Facts on Mental Health and Addiction in Canada
RESILIENCY - Ability to Recover Readily from Illness, Depression, Adversity, or the Like; Buoyancy
Nurturing Self
Are you ready for love? Skills Test
4 Keys to Being Happy
10 Rules for Emotional Health
Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) - Simplified
Developing and Using Emotional Intelligence
How to Create Boundaries not Walls
How to Heal Your Emotional Wounds
How to Make Everything Work to Your Advantage
Love Will Automatically Erase Past Hurt
Tips to Succeed the January Blues
Canadian Veterans Who is considered a veteran in Canada? Veteran Affairs Canada What is the veteran’s card ? What can the Veterans card be used for? Military Sexual Misconduct
US Veterans Physical Health based supports Asbestos Exposure and cancer Support Disabled Veterans Association (DAV)
Premium Partners - A web site to help you discover how stress could be affecting your life and how to manage it using techniques and coping strategies on a daily basis to improve health and lifestyle.